Events for August 9, 2021
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2:00 pm
The Science Adventures – Sterts
Our team are in a right pickle! Professor McGuffin’s ground-breaking Sub-Nuclear Optical Transmitter (S.N.O.T.) has stopped working, and it’s jeopardising the whole mission! Now it’s our job to find a way to power it! Join our intrepid scientists on an adventure like no other… Prepare to travel to the deepest depths, and soar to the […] Find out more »
10:00 am
1950’s/60’s Living Memory Exhibition
An exhibition of everyday life in the 1950’s and 60’s and a look at the shops in Liskeard during that time. The museum is open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday (closed 12.30-1pm for lunch) and 10am-1pm Saturday. Free entry Find out more »
9:30 am
Celtic Celebration – Stuart House
Although we so often think of Scotland, Ireland and Wales as being the Celtic Nations, the Celts spread far and wide. Obviously Cornwall is steeped in Celtic mythology and history: just look at our tartans and Celtic crosses. Lots of European countries have strong connections. There are many examples in Antipodean cultures. Even America has […] Find out more »