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Port Eliot Museums at Night
May 13, 2016 @ 7:30 pm - May 14, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
| £10 Adults, £5 Children, £8 concessionsEvent Navigation

PORT ELIOT AT NIGHT – 13th & 14th May 2016, 7.00pm
Come and enjoy a beautiful candle-lit, music-filled evening as Port Eliot opens its doors for a rare visit after dark.
On Friday 13th and Saturday 14th May, Port Eliot will be lit by candlelight and filled with music. Come and join us for a night that will cast you back to a time before electricity when the Lords and Ladies of the past would hold lavish banquets and dances for hundreds of guests.
On Friday night, the wonderful St Neot choir, Canoryon Lowen will be performing at various points throughout the evening and all through the house – the basement, the drawing room, the entrance hall to name a few.
On Saturday 14th, we are very excited to have the fantastic local composer, Paul K Joyce, playing piano in the Round Room (complete with 40ft ‘riddle mural’ by Robert Lenkiewicz).
On both nights the esteemed guitarist Russell Bell and stunning singer Izzy Berncastle will be filling the House with their wonderful sounds too.
Port Eliot’s knowledgeable stewards will be available to regale fascinating tales of the house if requested, or perhaps you would rather soak up the atmosphere with some nibbles and a glass of wine at Port Eliot’s bar, the choice is yours!
House Open 19.00 – 22.30 hrs.
£10 Adults, £5 Children, £8 concessions
For more information, please visit our website, www.porteliot.co.uk or telephone 01503 230211