Crimes of Passion with Richard Felix
Join us on a magical and unique journey into the past, guided by renowned celebrity paranormal investigator, Richard Felix. This opportunity gives you the rare chance to explore the private, ancient, monastic tunnels of Port Eliot.
The evening will begin at the traditional Cornish “locals” pub, the Eliot Arms where Richard and the team will greet you. After an introduction, you will be taken down to Port Eliot to visit the evocative and ancient monastic tunnels.
After you have explored and learnt about the fascinating history of the tunnels, you will return to the pub where Richard will tell engaging true stories of crimes of passion. Whilst experiencing these tales, a two course home cooked meal will be served for you to enjoy. We have the options of beef bourguignon with creamy mashed potatoes or mushroom stroganoff with rice as a vegetarian alternative.
14th and 15th February, 5.30pm-10pm. Tickets £60 (plus booking fee) available now – book online via Eventbrite
If you would like to also book a room and turn this event into an unforgettable evening, call the pub on 01503 232 733.