Upcoming Events
We Are of This Place – Byzantine Art – The Arts Society
What exactly is Byzantine Art and how do you pronounce it?The early art and architecture of one of history’s greatest empires – from Constantine to Justinian Tuesday 1st April 2025Speaker: Geri Parlby At Liskeard Public Hall. 9.10 am for 9.30 am – 12.00 noon approx. “You say By-zantine and I say Bizz-anteen” as the song almost goes!In fact, there is no right way to pronounce it, but it is certainly a subject worth studying. The Byzantine Empire flourished for over…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »We Are of This Place – Liskeard Community Fair
Liskeard’s Community Fair has been a popular annual event for several years now, it is a chance for local organisations to get together and promote themselves to the residents of the town. It is the perfect way to find a new hobby, support group or charity that you may not even have known we have in the town. It is also a great way for the groups to network with each other. There will be fun activities for all ages…
Find out more »We Are of This Place – The Art Society Liskeard – ‘Wild Men of the North’
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »We Are of This Place – Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses – Liskeard Old Cornwall Society Talk
Talk for Liskeard Old Cornwall Society ‘Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses’ with guest speaker Andrew Langdon. Andrew is the acknowledged expert on Cornish crosses having written several books on the subject and becoming a Bard of Gorsedh Kernow. Liskeard Public Hall, Friday 11th April at 2.30pm. All welcome, entry by donation. This event is part of the ‘We Are of This Place’, a month-long celebration of the Looe Valleys’ people, history, and landscape covering all parishes between Liskeard and Looe. Liskeard Old…
Find out more »Lions Easter Bingo
Liskeard Lions have their annual Easter Bingo on Friday 11th April at the Public Hall in Liskeard, doors open 7pm, eyes down at 8pm. There are lots of prizes including generous hampers for a full house and additional prizes for individual lines. As always there are additional raffle tickets with good prizes. The event is in support of funds for projects and charities within the Liskeard area.
Find out more »We Are of This Place – Blossom Liskeard
Blossom Liskeard is a floral themed community arts and craft exhibition/sale. Visitors can peruse the various local arts and crafts whilst enjoying floral refreshments and shopping for lovely Easter gifts from the various stalls. Visitors can also vote for their favourite artwork in each category. Saturday 12th April at Liskeard Public Hall, 12-4pm. The arts and crafts exhibition and sale aims to provide the opportunity for local budding artists to show off their talents in this completely free and relaxed…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »Liskeard Anime and Gaming Mini-Con – Mystery Ninja
A Liskeard Anime and Gaming Mini-Con Event will be happening on Sunday 11th May from 10am – 4pm at the Public Hall in Liskeard. A Comic-con dedicated to Anime, Gaming and all things pop culture here in Liskeard, Cornwall. For more information please visit either the Mystery Ninja website the Mystery Ninja Facebook page or email [email protected]
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Yorkshire Textile Renaissance
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Fakes and Fortunes
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »Annie – The Musical – Caradon Youth Theatre
Caradon Youth Theatre presents ‘The Musical – Annie’, Liskeard Public HallThursday 19th – Saturday 28th June. Tickets will be made available on the Ticket Source website or call 07899 953091. Early Bird Tickets:20% discount – use code EB20 For the most up to date information please visit the Caradon Youth Theatre Facebook page. Sponsored by: The Fat Frog – Caradon Inn – Travelbridge – e-Productive This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International.www.mtishows.co.uk Book by Thomas MeehanMusic…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – English Rococo Silver
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »Liskeard Old Cornwall Society
Liskeard Old Cornwall Society meets on the 2nd Friday in the month at 2.30pm at Liskeard Public Hall (September to April) Friday 14th February 2.30pm ‘Hens & Stags in Looe’ Mark Camp Friday 14th March 2.30pm ‘The History of Cornish China Clay’ Malcolm Gould Friday 11th April 2.30pm ‘Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses’ Andrew Langdon Meetings are held in the Emily Hobhouse Room, Liskeard Public Hall For more information please contact Brian Oldham by emailing [email protected]
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »Liskeard Old Cornwall Society
Liskeard Old Cornwall Society meets on the 2nd Friday in the month at 2.30pm at Liskeard Public Hall (September to April) Friday 14th February 2.30pm ‘Hens & Stags in Looe’ Mark Camp Friday 14th March 2.30pm ‘The History of Cornish China Clay’ Malcolm Gould Friday 11th April 2.30pm ‘Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses’ Andrew Langdon Meetings are held in the Emily Hobhouse Room, Liskeard Public Hall For more information please contact Brian Oldham by emailing [email protected]
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Jan Breughel
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – King and Collector
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »Liskeard Old Cornwall Society
Liskeard Old Cornwall Society meets on the 2nd Friday in the month at 2.30pm at Liskeard Public Hall (September to April) Friday 14th February 2.30pm ‘Hens & Stags in Looe’ Mark Camp Friday 14th March 2.30pm ‘The History of Cornish China Clay’ Malcolm Gould Friday 11th April 2.30pm ‘Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses’ Andrew Langdon Meetings are held in the Emily Hobhouse Room, Liskeard Public Hall For more information please contact Brian Oldham by emailing [email protected]
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Landscape Photography
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »WI Meeting and Talk
Liskeard Women’s Institute hold meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June) at 2pm in the Emily Hobhouse Room at Liskeard Public Hall. Each month there is a guest speaker. Visitors welcome for a small fee, refreshments available. The speaker this month is tbc
Find out more »Liskeard Old Cornwall Society
Liskeard Old Cornwall Society meets on the 2nd Friday in the month at 2.30pm at Liskeard Public Hall (September to April) Friday 14th February 2.30pm ‘Hens & Stags in Looe’ Mark Camp Friday 14th March 2.30pm ‘The History of Cornish China Clay’ Malcolm Gould Friday 11th April 2.30pm ‘Illuminating Cornwall’s Lantern Crosses’ Andrew Langdon Meetings are held in the Emily Hobhouse Room, Liskeard Public Hall For more information please contact Brian Oldham by emailing [email protected]
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Talks
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »The Art Society Liskeard – Talks
Liskeard Arts Society is a member of The Arts Society, a leading arts education charity which brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts in all it’s different forms. Our events provide a welcoming place to experience outstanding illustrated talks by Internationally acclaimed expert speakers, who share their specialist knowledge in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere. We are a friendly inclusive group of people who share a passion for the arts. Talks are normally on the 2nd Tuesday…
Find out more »U3A Meeting and Talk
U3A (University of the third age) is a UK wide movement which brings together people in their third age (after they have stopped working full time) to develop their interests in a friendly & informal environment. Liskeard & District U3a meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at Liskeard Public Hall at 10am. In addition to the main meeting there are lots of sub-groups covering a wide range of interests, up to date details of these can…
Find out more »