Fowey Festival (Du Maurier Festival Society)
01726 879500|[email protected]|www.foweyfestival.comThe Festival is inspired by the famed author Daphne du Maurier, who spent a large part of her life in and around Fowey, where she took inspiration from her surroundings and created a rich literary legacy of titles set in the Cornish landscape.
The Festival continues to include a strand of du Maurier themed events from walks showcasing the inspiration behind the author’s stories to book readings and debates.
The Festival is embedded in the heart of the quintessential Cornish harbour side town of Fowey, with panoramic views over the river, busy with boats, ferries and water taxis, and beyond to the open sea.
Since 1997 the Festival has brought countless internationally renowned writers, performers and entertainers to Cornwall, creating a buzz of excitement in the town and attracting festival-goers from across the UK and overseas.
The du Maurier Festival Society was set up in July 2011 to deliver future Festivals. It is a company limited by guarantee and is registered as a charity. Its trustees are responsible for the overall strategy, general policies, funding and external relations.
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