Liskeard Unlocked 2020
Liskeard Unlocked 2020 was mostly outside and online this year so we could safely share the towns stories and look to its future. There was a varied programme of walks, talks, exhibitions and a chance to see behind doors which are normally closed. The Liskeard Unlocked events take place every year as part of the national Heritage Open Days. This year the organisers, which include the Town Council, museum, Stuart House, Old Cornwall Society and local churches, had to radically rethink their plans to keep people safe.
You will find links to many of these talks here and can now also download a self guided walk of Liskeard’s Open Spaces. Please ask at Liskeard Tourist Information Office for more information or if you would like a print out of this walk.
Town Centre Open Spaces walk
We have created a self guided version of the Town Centre Open Spaces walk through gardens, parks and the churchyard. This is an abridged version of the fascinating walk led by Brian Oldham (president of the Old Cornwall Society) which took place on the Liskeard Unlocked weekend. Full of interesting and little known facts about our town and stories of local residents connected with each place, the walk includes Westbourne Gardens, Lanchard Cemetery, Castle Park and more!
Please allow for the walk to take approximately 1.5 hours.

The national theme for Heritage Open Days this year was hidden nature and families really enjoyed the forest school activities in Castle Park. Cornwall Council’s Making Space for Nature project talked to many local residents about proposals to improve the natural aspects of the park for wildlife and people, and got feedback about how the park can be made better. People of all ages could try out macro photography with help from a museum volunteer, the photographs will be used to create an online exhibition and art project in the future. Please keep sending in your macro and micro photographs to Liskeard Museum by emailing them to [email protected].

At the Unlocking the Cattle Market event, many people were interested in the outdoor display on the history of the Cattle Market, and lots took the chance to find out about and discuss the plans for the site. The local food market was also well supported and customers and stallholders are looking forward to the next markets. More information on the future of the cattle market site can be found on the Cornwall Council webpage.

People were also able to visit a socially distanced exhibition in Liskeard Public Hall, which included fascinating information on buildings which were not able to open and another chance to view the Emily Hobhouse exhibition.
There were virtual tours of two private houses and a garden, two local rail videos and a video on the restarting of the town clock. The clock itself had its faces covered in pink (the Heritage Open Days colour) to celebrate the weekend.
Two online talks, Brian Oldham on Liskeard’s wool history, and Rachel Bennett on the history of Stuart House attracted enthusiastic audiences, some of whom came from far afield.
To explore Liskeard and its stories at any time why not try: Liskeard Tourist Information Centre and Museum on Pike Street which has lots of free local information including the Liskeard Heritage Walk leaflet. The Museum has now reopened its exhibition of the largest collection of toys in Cornwall! Family history and local history research can be done by appointment.
Stuart House Arts and Heritage Centre has arts and crafts exhibitions and sales, lectures, music recitals and heritage exhibitions as well as a café. The garden to the rear of the late medieval House has been laid out as a 17th Century Gentleman’s Garden.
Liskeard Old Cornwall Society preserves local history and current affairs in their archive in Stuart House. Guest speakers talk on Cornish subjects and traditional Cornish events are kept alive. Follow the Society on Facebook or email the President at [email protected].
Liskeard has many Grade II listed buildings and monuments – you can find out more about them on the listings page at Just search for Liskeard or the specific site you are interested in.